Monday, March 3, 2008

We're having a . . .



The Mancuso Family said...

Congratulations! I couldn't be happier for you!

Andrea said...

How exciting!!!!!! Congrats!

Alicia said...

Wonderful! The best of both worlds, what a blessing!

Becky said...

Congrats! Little girls are so much fun. Can't wait to meet her!

Brianna Heldt said...

YAYYYY, congratulations! one of each, how fun! little girls are precious!

Anonymous said...

Hurry! I could not remember when your ultrasoud was, but I figured it must be soon, so I checked your blog today just in case. How fun to see the answer on you blog!

Tricia said...

Congratulations! How exciting for your family. What a wonderful blessing.

Coalwell Family said...

Congrats! and she will have big brother to scare all her boyfriends!! Hope you are feeling well. I noticed you are doing the Beth Moore Daniel study...isn't it fabulous. I am in week 9, I feel like I am taking a college course!

A thankful heart said...

Congratulations on a baby girl!! I can only imagine how excited you and Chuck are!! One boy, one girl....perfect!! How are you feeling this time around?? Any different than being pregnant with a boy?? Let me know if you guys need anything!

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