Sunday, February 3, 2008

Love Story

Since it is nearly Valentine's Day, it seems fitting to share our story of how we met.

Chuck and I met in 7th grade. He was so cool and I was so not cool. In fact, he and his friends were not always very nice to me. I admit it though, I was definitely a target: adorned in braces and homemade clothes, I happily came to school early to practice my clarinet playing for the school band. Not exactly the makings of a popular kid.

Fast forward a few years to high school when I finally grew up and cared a little about my appearance and with making friends. I got to know Chuck better because we sat near each other in Biology one year, then Chemistry the next. By the end of Junior year I was very interested in Chuck. I even wrote my phone number in his yearbook and asked him to call me that Summer. No call ever came though. I figured he wasn't interested and was honestly a bit embarrassed that I had stepped out like that. (He later told me all the girls wrote their numbers in his yearbook, but he didn't know he was the only guy I'd ever given my number to.)

Senior year we sat near each other in Math class and really enjoyed visiting with each other. After class one day, he followed me down the hall to ask me if I wanted to go to the Homecoming Dance with him. I was so excited. I couldn't believe Chuck Smith was asking me to the dance. The only problem was, I had already told this new guy that liked me that I'd go with him because I felt sorry for him not knowing anyone else at the school.

So, I did what anyone else would have done in my shoes: I told the new guy that I'd help him find a new date. :) (I never could find anyone willing to go with him, but he did reluctantly say it was ok that I back out.) I still wonder what ever happened to him. Did I scar him for life? Did he survive the rejection? Is he in counseling because of me? Sheldon, if you're out there somewhere, I'm sorry.

So, Chuck and I did go to Homecoming together and had a wonderful time. We celebrated 10 years together this last year. The photo is our very first one together taken at Homecoming 1997. And, as I'm looking back at this photo I realized I'm still wearing homemade clothing in it since I made my own dress for the dance. So, maybe I hadn't outgrown my nerdiness. And, I may never.


joy said...

what a sweet story! i'm sure i heard it in the newly married's class and just don't remember it. okay, the fact that the other guy's name is sheldon made me laugh. have you seen when harry met sally? i kind of did a similar thing to a guy at my school, too. i hope he's okay.

Kristen Borland said...

i think it's a great dress!

i love stories that start in high school. and i love that you were a nerd and chuck was the cool guy! that's too fun!

Alicia said...

Thanks for sharing that great story Katy! I did not get around to reading it till now. I love these stories and hope to get to ours soon. So much going on!
BTW, I love the dress,and you are talented.
I didn't realize you knew eachother that long. :)

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