Tuesday, March 18, 2008

20 Weeks

Our little girl is now about 10 inches long and 8 ounces. She's moving around a lot in there, especially when I'm eating or just after eating. I can't believe we're halfway already! That means just over 4 months left to get everything done.

We had originally planned to have the kids share a room for a couple years, but have decided to go ahead and put a wall back in to turn our house back into a 3 bedroom before our little girl comes. You might remember a post from last Fall about redoing our bedroom. Well, now we'll be moving into the new room and that one will be the girl room. The first thing to go is the wallpaper. Patrick makes it look easy; but it's taken nearly 20 hours of scraping and I'm only halfway done.

We've decided on pink and brown for the nursery. This weekend, my mom and I went to my favorite fabric store, Shelbi Ranch, and I got 25 yards of really great pink and brown fabrics to decorate with. Just a few more fabrics and I think I'll have all I'll need for the bedding, curtains, pillows, etc. It's so fun decorating another nursery. :) I'll try to update as I go along.


Anonymous said...

We know all too well about scraping wall paper. It is boring, hard work and frustrating. We scraped two bathrooms, and the kitchen in our new house. I hope it goes smoothly. Where is the fabric store you like? I am looking for fabric for a boy themed nursery, and I want something more original that what I have found recently.
Please post photos, as the rooms shapes up!
Rebecca Baldizon

I am Katy, said...

Shelbi Ranch is this funky, hole-in-the-wall non-profit place in Solvang. It's all remnant fabrics from a clothing company. Everything is $1/yard and proceeds benefit the Shriners. It's a self serve kind of store. There is actually no one there to help you cut the fabric or anything. You just take your cut fabrics to the restaurant upstairs and tell them how many yards you have and pay there. They're only open Fri, Sat, and Sun. If you want I can let you know the next time I'm planning to go and you can join me.

Alicia said...

Wow half way!?
I love the pink and brown! It's like pretty roses and chocolate sweet, how do you get better than that.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Zimms Zoo said...

I found your blog by way of shoot for eternity. We scraped a nursery about 11 years ago (yikes!) and we found that 2 things make it go so much faster.
If you have a steamer that works the best. It just makes the wallpaper moist and then it peels off easily.
If not then just wet it with a sponge and then let it sit for about 5 minutes and then see if it peels off. If not re-wet and leave a little longer.
This makes it go super fast.

Anonymous said...

So CUTE!! I still can't believe your having a girl:). I'm just itching to try for one now...this seems to be the year of the girls. Your long lost friend, Michelle:).

Kristen Borland said...

hmmm... how does a 10 inch baby fit in that tiny belly?! :)

pink and brown will be so pretty. i love how you said "we decided on pink and brown"... does chuck have opinions about these sort of things? i believe mike's exact response to me asking him about what colors to do in the nursery would be "whatever".

Kristen Borland said...

Whoa!! I just noticed a comment from Michelle! No way!!! How did you get her to do that?!! ;)

I am Katy, said...

Ok, so maybe I was just being nice and trying to include Chuck. hehe Honestly, he would only care if I chose something really bizarre, but he did say he liked the pink and brown.

Brianna Heldt said...

so fun! pink and brown are great.

(the wallpaper scraping however does not look fun. can't wait to see the completed project!)

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