Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm no longer just a boy mommy

Ok, honestly, that kind of freaks me out. Before Patrick, I kind of hoped for a girl because I figured it would be easier to know what a little girl would need, since I was once one. But, now, after having a boy, the thought of having a girl scares me. After all, when she gets here, I will have been a boy mommy for 2 years. I know how to play cars, defend myself from flying objects which almost always hit their intended target, and identify strange (often previously living) objects that have been half eaten by a toddler. I'm not sure I'm prepared for hair dos, dolls, and tights. I really hope she's not a girly girl. But, it would be like God to have a sense of humor and give me one though, wouldn't it? Hopefully she'll be willing to take the frilly dress off sometimes and put on some hiking boots. :)

Before our ultrasound Chuck and I made a deal that if I guessed the gender correctly I got to pick where we went for dinner and if he was right he got to pick. I said it would be a girl and I was right, so I told him we should go somewhere girly to celebrate. I suggested patio dining at an Italian restaurant followed by dessert at the pinkest place around (Madonna Inn) and he complained. So, I told him it could be worse; I could have made him have high tea and petits fours. He immediately said, "No one's touching my feet." Apparently he'd never heard of petits fours and thought they must be the same as pedicures. I'm just glad I was right or we would have been eating at some guy place (most likely ribs and french fries at Firestone while watching some sporting event).

Here are a couple pics from our girly date:

(The Madonna Inn one didn't come out all that well, but if you're familiar with the place, you know how over-the-top pink it is. )


The Mancuso Family said...

I love Chuck's comment about petit fours - am pretty sure my husband would have said the same thing. If you don't mind my asking, what Italian restaurant did you go to?

I am Katy, said...

We went to Vieni Vai Tratorria. It's the seond time I've been there and the service and food were excellent both times.

Brianna Heldt said...

Mmmmmmm we love Vieni Vai too!

I was totally the opposite...after having Anna (who is pretty darn girly), the thought of having boys seemed so daunting to me--and it still does in certain ways!

Kristen Borland said...

it is a bit scarey. if we have a girl, i do hope she's girly girl, because i was and i kind of like that. i'm more worried about the drama!

Tricia said...

I was a mother of a boy for 5 1/2 years before God blessed me with a girl. She is a girly girl. She puts on her dress and goes and digs in the dirt. She tries to keep up with her brothers. She just does it her own way, in a dress. Hair is still a challenge for me.

Alicia said...

I knew there was a link missing on my blog list and I just figured out it was you! Eeek, I've put it back on now!
Hey, about girls. Look out! God will love you enough to stretch you. However, I have two (as you know) and one is girly and the other is not. I was not, so I tend to have a harder time relating to you -know -who. God is using me and has been using it in me for ten years. Harmones are around the corner so I try to brace myself for even MORE drama.
It adds the spice to life though. I look forward to the future knowing he will work it all out for good.
Hair is a hard one though for them both. They dont' like it brushed, but they want it long....what to do, what to do!?
You will be so tickled to have her when the time comes, you will be ready to take on anything, and the change from one to the other is refreshing. I was so excited to have boy things when Caed came.

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