Saturday, April 19, 2008


Construction Zone

Our wall construction is now underway. The family room will soon be our master bedroom and the baby girl will get our old room as her nursery.

DAY 1:

Day 2 (so far):


Kristen Borland said...

boy, you guys have been busy! can't wait to see pics the finished product.

good job putting patrick to work. they have to earn their keep somehow.

hey, see ya 'round the dining room next weekend!

joy said...

wow--that looks good so far. can't wait to see it finished.

Anonymous said...

looking good!! Thanks for posting, I was curious about your progress. Gald to see we are not the only crazy ones doing construction with a baby getting closer!

Alicia said...

Wonderful! Where will your living room be though?

I am Katy, said...

We actually had two living areas before. I'll have to post pics sometime for those of you who have never been here. Or, you could come visit. :)

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