Saturday, April 12, 2008

Enjoying the Weather


Sarah Griffin said...

Hi Katy!
You probably don't know me.. or remember me, but I'm a friend of Amber's. I actually found your blog through a link from Brianna Heldt's blog. I went to church with Kevin & Brianna at Grace in SLO during my college years. Anyways... I have noticed in some of your posts pics of your little guy in cloth diapers! I am expecting my first (a boy) in July and I am planning on using cloth- if we can manage to make it work. I was just wondering if you could share your experience so far with them, and which ones you have tried, etc. The brand we are looking into is g-diapers... I haven't found any other mom's that are using them! Let me know if you have any info or advice. My blog is, or you can email me at!

Thanks!!! :)

Kristen Borland said...


joy said...

looks like fun. what great pics.

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