Sunday, August 31, 2008

1 Month Photos


A thankful heart said...

I looove that you have them in matching diapers:) Too cute! I have questions for you about cloth diapers..lots of them! Since the "all-in-ones" are quite a bit more expensive, we will mainly be using "pre-folds" at just over $1 a piece...We do want to have maybe 7 AIO for church, outtings, babysitters, etc...anyway, we don't really know how much or what all we'll need! Fill me in please.. We do have about 5mths to figure this all out and research more..but I like to be prepared!! Kimberly and Patrick look adorable and chubby...the only time it's irrisitable:)

I am Katy, said...

Hey, Kendall.

If you're only planning to have part of your diaper stash be AIO/pocket diapers, you'll want ones that dry fast since you're most likely going to want to use them first each time they go through the wash. Pocket diapers dry the fastest since the absorbent part comes out of it for washing and the insert can go into the clothes dryer. AIOs take a long time for all the layers to dry, especially in the Winter.

Assuming you'll have 7 AIO/pocket diapers, 2 dozen prefolds and about 5 covers will have you washing every 2-3 days.

Other cloth diapering things you'll probably find you need at some point: cloth wipes (simply cut any non-fraying fabric into squares and wet with water), a dirty diaper pail/bag (I use a cheap can from Walmart with a waterproof fabric liner that can be thrown in the wash with the diapers), a diaper sprayer (it attached to the toilet like a bidet sprayer so you can spray off the poop once your baby is eating solids), Free and Clear detergent, a clothes line or other place to hang dry the covers, and Snappi fasteners or pins for securing the prefolds.

That's all I can think of for now. I still plan to do a cloth diaper post soon that will show you how I do cloth. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Another resource for cloth diaper info is under the forum Attachment Parenting/Natural Living.

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