Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our Weekend

Chuck went to Yosemite with our friend Jared and one of Jared's coworkers. It was Mike and Jared's first time to hike Half Dome, but this makes number 5 for Chuck. There's a shirt that you can buy at the shop in Yosemite that says "I made it to the top of Half Dome". They need to make one for Chuck that says "I made it to the top of Half Dome, again, and again, and again . . ." I'm looking forward to doing it again myself. Hopefully this coming Summer we'll do another backpacking trip like we did the Summer before Patrick was born. I love the thrill of standing on the "diving board" perched out over the valley floor.

Mike, Jared and Chuck at the top of Half Dome.
The view looking up at the final ascent of Half Dome. Chuck on the "diving board".

While Daddy was off playing, we played in the yard, did some shopping, went out for frozen yogurt, and took some fun pics.

Kimberly in her new pink Fuzzi Bunz.

She's so expressive, especially in the morning. That's when we get the most smiles and cooing.

Patrick found a new way to play with Gracie. He balances rocks along the ridge of her back. And, she's so mellow that they actually stay on there until he knocks them off.

My newest baby carrier. It's a Beco Butterfly. I love it that I can put Kimberly on my back already because it has a newborn seat built into it and you put the baby in it first, then onto your back like you're putting on a backpack. It's really easy to use. She seems to like it. She falls asleep almost everytime she's in it just like all the other carriers.


Rick Deutsch said...

Congrats onthe your Half;odmehike. By the way, the official name for the spot is "the Visor" - not the diving board. There is another geologic feature on the western edge of Half Dome called "The Diving Board."

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!!
Rick, San Jose, CA

I am Katy, said...

Good to know, Rick. Can you stand on "The Diving Board"? That just might have to be my next goal.

Rick Deutsch said...

If you look at the face of Half Dome from the parking lot at Curry....the "Diving Board" is on the right upper area, near the junction of the face and the horizontal part. Ansel Adams took some shots from there. It's pretty hard to get to .. you need to go thru Little Yosemite Valley and turn left towards the end and go behind Liberty Cap...then scramble along the back of Half Dome to the left then up. It's near the approach to a climb called Snake Dike. I posted it on my blog and could email you the photo. Need an email address.

The Visor is often called The King's Chair, Devil's peak, and other such... It sure looks like a diving board! But the Rangers call it the Visor. This could be important if you get hurt and call 911 for help at "the Diving Board".. Hmm they may go to the wrong place.

Sure you can stand on the rock overhang....a guy jumped off in July - suicide. Be careful.


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