Saturday, August 30, 2008

Spaghetti, Red Leggings, and Gracie Boogers

When I save pictures off of my camera onto my computer, I file them by date and give them a title. Well, I wasn't sure exactly what was the most important thing was from this day, so the title ended up being "Spaghetti, Red Leggings and Gracie Boogers". I thought it was kind of funny.

Here's what a 2 year old does when left unattended to eat his lunch while you're in the other room feeding the baby. What a mess. Good thing I gave it to him without sauce this time. Now you know why my carpet looks so bad under the table. I can't wait to get some hardwood or laminate flooring.
Leggings. So cute. It's one of those things you just don't get to do with a boy, so I'm still excited about it.
Gracie (She rarely makes the blog, but we still love her.)
He had a blast cleaning "Gracie Boogers" off the window. Thanks for the idea, Kristen.

Tummy Time
Yay, they're here!
Kimberly's pink and lavendar Fuzzi Bunz came in the mail today. They're so cute and girly. And, super soft. If you're in the market for Fuzzi Bunz, check out the deal at right now. They're regularly $19.95, but if you buy 3 or more, they are only $14.95. I ended up getting one more diaper than I thought I would and still spent less than planned. Thanks again to everyone who gave me money at my shower to buy girly diapers. I love them and can't wait to see them on her. I'm sure I'll get a picture and share it.


Kristen Borland said...

1. i can't wait for leggings! those ones are adorable!!
2. so glad patrick liked cleaning. zeb still loves to do it, and i usually have to pry him away from it if we have to do something else.
3. gracie is CUTE.
4. i haven't posted about it yet, but we bough a three pack of bumgenius. we'll start with disposables as we adjust to a newborn, then we'll try out our three cloth (and probably love them), and then decide about buying more. hey, what do you use as a barrier when you have to put diaper rash cream on?

I am Katy, said...

If I have to use diaper rash cream, I use a disposable diaper or lay a dry cloth wipe on top of the diaper.

I've heard good reviews on the Bum Genius. I'm sure you'll love them.

Alicia said...

we have carpet under the table too and i'm with ya on getting it out asap!
cute leggings! she really looks like you katy!
i understand your excitement to get the girly thing going. my situation was opposite but i'm here to tell ya, yours is the better one. boys stuff is only cute for a little while and then it's all the same. girls stuff stays cute for years of toddlerhood fashion enjoy!

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