Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finger Painting 9/30/08

I've heard the horror stories from other moms of how their kids fingerpainted with poop. And, I knew at some point Patrick would try it too. In fact, last week when he took his diaper off on his own the thought crossed my mind that my turn must be coming soon.

Our water has been off for a couple of days while Chuck is redoing the water piping system in our attic. Between having the water off for this project and the city turning our water main off for construction earlier this month, I'm getting pretty used to not having running water. At least this time around it's only the inside plumbing that's off, I still have the hose outside to wash my hands and to prep food. And, to wash a 2 year old little boy covered in poop . . . DOG poop.

Patrick came in from playing in the backyard when I had just finished feeding Kimberly. He came and stood next to me while I was sitting on the couch. It only took a second before I smelled it. Without even looking up at him I said, "Eww. It stinks. You must have stepped in dog poop." Then, I saw him. He not only stepped in dog poop, he also had smeared it all over his shirt and pants. Gross!  So, I whisked him off to the backyard and hosed him off with some frigid water.  Let's hope that's his one and only poop fingerpaint story.  And, thank goodness the outside water was still on. 


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