Monday, October 27, 2008

Launch Party

Last Friday we headed out to the base to see a rocket launch. It was lots of fun. I tried to take pictures of the rocket going up, but my camera refused to focus, so I stole the rocket pics off the Vandenberg website. It was a Delta II rocket carrying a COSMO-SkyMed satellite for the Italian Space Agency. There were lots of Italians in the crowd.

Kimberly enjoying snuggling with Grammie Mary.

The big screen set up on the grass in front of the Officer's Club showing live pics of the rocket before liftoff.

There were lots of Italians in the crowd all anxiously awaiting the launch. And, I felt way underdressed. I was wearing my jeans and flip flops at an event that was obviously a little classier than I had anticipated. I was slightly embarassed going into the building to use the bathroom when most everyone else was in full military dress.

Pic from the Vandenberg website.

Another pic from the Vandenberg website.


Tricia said...

it sounds like a lot of fun. my oldest has tried to watch for the rockets to come over our house. he gives up before it gets to our area.

Kristen Borland said...

sounds fun!!

the funny thing, though, is i read the title of this post "lunch party", and i was a little confused about it being at night. :)

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