Friday, October 24, 2008


When we went to Avila Valley Barn, we bought 5 pumpkins, one for each of us (including the dog). We left the largest, Daddy, pumkin out on the front porch and placed the four smaller ones on the fireplace mantel. This afternoon I noticed that one of the pumpkins was an odd shape. The bottom was completely flat. I knew we hadn't bought one like that, so I walked over to check it out. It was all moldy and rotting right there in my living room. Yuck. Thankfully it hadn't started to smell yet. So gross. Anyway, sorry Gracie, you no longer have a pumpkin.


Alicia said...

you know, the w. family had that happen too i think. AVB had a lot of rotten pumpkins this year. i wonder what the deal is.

Corinne Doughan said...

I had to remove a rotting pumpkin once when I was really early in my pregnancy with Jackson ... it was the grossest smelling thing EVER!! That was the only time during my pregnancy that I almost threw up!!! YUCK!

I am Katy, said...

I wonder if that rain we got a couple weeks ago made the pumpkins go bad. We usually don't have rain until the week of Halloween at the earliest.

Jill said...

I had a pumpkin rot this year too. It was the pumpkin pie one that I planned to make a pie out of.

Tricia said...

i was coming to tell you that we had a rotten one this year too. and i see alicia has mentioned it already. we were driving home and the kids started talking about the worm coming out of the bottom. YUCK! this is the first time i got a rotten pumpkin.

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