Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Latest Project

We decided we've had enough of trying to keep carpet under a dining room table clean with a 2 year old. Out with the old carpet and in with the new tile.

Before: (A picture from last year. The only one I could find that showed the flooring.)

Removing old flooring. (What a job and very noisy.):

Now (Day 2 of laying tile): All the whole tiles are set and all the border pieces are cut and ready to be laid.


The Mancuso Family said...

Tile floors look great! They really open up your kitchen. :)

Alicia said...

oh, you will be so glad you have that. we have a carpet dining room and i'm so anxious to get rid of it too. actually, i'd rather not have any carpet at all i think.

joy said...

looks really good!

Kathy said...

WOW! That looks soo much better! I bet it was a ton of work though. Everything looks so much better and brighter. Carpet is our nemesis, especially under our dining room table but we rent.

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