Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had Thanksgiving on "The Hill" (Grandma Lucy and Grandpa Roy's place) this year. It had been 4 or 5 years since we last had it there. Everyone was back to their usual pastimes; most of the ladies quilted while the guys played cards and shot hoops. Great Grandma Wyant and Uncle Donnie were both greatly missed. It's just not quite the same without them when we all get together for the holidays.

The spread.

A spoonful of stuffing for my cousin Tommy in Iraq.

Grandma Lucy's Heart Quilt.

The quilt I made for Kimberly.

Chelsey's Corduroy Quilt
Linda and Carolyn's "Where the Pavement Ends" Quilt
Chelsey Sewing on the binding.
Uncle Donnie's angel.


Kristen Borland said...

wait, is that THE angel up by us that you can see from the freeway?!

Kristen Borland said...

wow, that's so cool. kind of makes me think of your family as celebrities now.

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