Monday, November 17, 2008


Last week we vacationed in Tahoe. It was fabulous. We hadn't been since we honeymooned there 7 1/2 years ago. It was still just as gorgeous as we remembered it being. This time though, we had two kids and a nanny (Gramma Kitty) with us. Family Photo at Emerald Bay

The bike path ran right behind the Motel 6 where we stayed, so we got in a couple of rides.

On one of our date nights, Chuck and I went ice skating. It was lots of fun until I did a belly flop on the hard ice knocking the wind out of me. I don't think I broke anything, but my ribs are definitely bruised from it.


The moon was gorgeous the whole time we were there, but, especially on this particular ride with the pink sunset to go with it.

Us at Tahoe 2008
Us on our honeymoon at Tahoe in 2001

Fallen Leaf Lake

One morning, we left Kimberly with Gramma Kitty and ventured out to this beautiful waterfall.

Patrick's favorite part of the trip was throwing rocks and sticks into the lake and waterfalls.

Date night at Heavenly Village

View from Emerald Bay

Chuck and Patrick on the trail to Eagle Lake.

Yep, that's snow under Patrick's foot. Not much of it though.

This trip was Patrick's first time doing his own hiking. Usually Chuck carries him in the backpack. He hiked down to Emerald Bay (about 1 mile) and rode on Chuck's shoulders back up and hiked again about a mile on the way to Eagle Lake.


Corinne Doughan said...

WOW! You guys are adventerous ... more b/c you took the kids than b/c you went to Lake Tahoe! :) Colin and I honeymooned there 6 1/2 years ago. :) We'd love to go back sometime, but I think we'll have to wait.

The Mancuso Family said...

Beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a great time.

Reed Family said...

Great pictures, makes me want to plan a trip to Lake Tahoe myself.

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