Friday, November 21, 2008

They Adore Each Other

Patrick and Kimberly are really enjoying being together. She loves to watch him and he loves to talk to her, hold her, kiss her, and make her smile. Lately he's been laying down with her whenever he gets the chance and says, "Mommy, see me. Two babies. Baby Kimberly and Baby Patrick."

Lest you think they're always this precious, let me share a story to balance this out. When Kimberly starts screaming in the car because her chariot has stopped moving and woken her, Patrick screams, which in turn makes her cry even more, making him scream more. It makes it pretty hard to hear the lady through the speaker at the drive thru pharmacy.


Corinne Doughan said...

Your reality check makes me feel so much better!!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has them from time to time.

Kristen Borland said...


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