Friday, June 15, 2007

Couch For Sale- $40

I'm always finding things on craigslist, so I sent Chuck the following email and this was his reply.

Subject: couch for sale
Hey Babe,
I found a couch for sale and wanted you to take a look at the picture of it. It's being sold by a military family; they are asking $40 and it comes with the body pillow shown. What do you think?
I don't really like the style, but it seems like a good deal. Where do you think we would use it?
I was dying laughing at how serious he was in his response. He had no clue. He thought the guy's shoes were a throw pillow. BTW- I only figured he'd fall for it because I already had.


Michelle said...

Even Brian got a good laugh out of this one! I can't believe Chuck would agree to such a floral masterpiece in your home...all for a good deal, wow! Love the Camo guy, I seriously didn't even notice him at first.

Kristen Borland said...

that's so funny!! i can't believe chuck actually was considering buying it! :)

I am Katy, said...

Chuck is very level headed, so he's a great moderator/advisor. He'll get you to think about the bad, the good and the practical, without deciding for you. He was thinking, "She must see something in this that I don't, it's an ugly couch at a cheap price, and we don't need one.

Can you imagine if I really liked that style? Not even my hand-me down-couches are that bad!

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