Monday, September 17, 2007

God is in Control

Lately it seems like a lot of depressing stuff has been happening to friends and family. It really gets me down when I take my focus off of God and dwell on the trials everyone is going through. I keep having to remind myself that God is control. It's easy to follow Him when things are going great, but it sure is hard when he leads you through tough things. I get to thinking that when we go through trials that it is a bad thing and that God doesn't want that thing to happen. I have to keep reminding myself that God is still in control and sometimes chooses to lead us through the trials when we would rather go around them. Some of our dearest friends have been going through some very tough times with medical stuff and it tears me up to see them hurting. I keep having to refocus on God and what it is that He is up to.

By God's grace we ended up having lunch today with our friends Jeff and Annika and it was a blessing to see God's faithful and provision in their lives. Jeff recently underwent brain surgery for a cancerous tumor and is preparing for chemotherapy and radiation along with occupational therapy. God has been so good through it and it was such an encouragement to me to see Jeff and Annika's steadfast faith through it all.

Ok, Michelle, so there you go, I made a post. :) And, I feel better.

Here are a few random pics from the last week or so.


Kristen Borland said...

it's so hard to keep a good perspective amidst trials. i believe one way God comforts us is through our family. i know i feel a little better getting hugs from my husband and boys, and it always reminds me how fortunate i am that God chose to give them to me.

Michelle said...


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