Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Bedroom

Our bedroom is the only room in the house that has not been redone since we moved in. When we bought the house 4 years ago, 4 out of 6 rooms in the house were wallpapered. Our room is the only one that still has the wall paper. And, the only reason is that it actually went well enough with the colors of the bedding we already had that we could live with it for awhile. My best guess is it was installed sometime in the '80s, but I could be off by a decade or two, (or three), since the house was built in 1951.

Well, I'm ready to see the wallpaper go. I'm ready for a whole new look. So, here are the before pics: (Ok, I cheated a bit, there used to be some lace curtains on cheap white metal valance rods, but I already took them down and installed the new rods.)


Michelle said...

Wait, were there always miniblinds up on the windows. I thought you had some fabric curtains up for a while that were really cute? Your room is cute actually. But I can understand wanting a change. So...ideas, or is it a big surprise???

I am Katy, said...

There have always been blinds, but we did get new wider slat ones within the last year. And, yes, for awhile I had some floor-length curtains up, but I got tired of them.

As far as ideas, I have material to make a quilt and plan to use some of the colors as inspiration for the curtains and possibly a simple bed canopy. The fabric line is called Asian Splendor. I'm hoping for a clean, uncluttered, simple look in the room. I'll post pics of the fabric next.

Alicia said...

Yeah! I love before and after photos! :)

Michelle said...

Ahhhh. Can't wait to see everything, you always have such great ideas. are sooooooo funny!!! I LOVE the poems! I'm cracking up over here:).

Kristen Borland said...

bye, bye, wall paper. although we never met, my heart is saddened by your passing... oh wait, for a second there i thought we were still at the millers' lizard/fish funeral.

hee, hee!

how fun to redecorate!!! please clarify... you have 6 bedrooms???? or 6 rooms in the house? because if you have 6 bedrooms, i'm very jealous! and i think that's planning for more than four children. did you check the spreadsheet when you bought this house??

Kristen Borland said...

and is that a sewing machine table?! i'm jealous!! (lots of jealousy going on here as you can see.)

I am Katy, said...


I wish I had 6 bedrooms! Wait, no that would mean I'd have to clean them. I'd settle for 3 though.

We have 6 rooms total including the kitchen and bathroom, but not including the hall or coat closet. LOL We have 2 bedrooms: ours and Patrick's.

When it was built it had 3 bedrooms. We may someday put that wall back in, but for now, we enjoy the openness and having two living rooms.

The desk is not a sewing cabinet, but I do have a sewing cabinet in my lving room. :) The desk is a family piece. It was my Mom's Dad's Dad's, so, my Great Grandpa's. He used to sit at it to write his sermons when he was a pastor. I'm not too sure of the history, but it looks homemade to me. He was a building contractor, so he may have made it himself. I do know that he is the one who painted it brown.

I am Katy, said...


It's going to be awhile before I get to the after photos, but I'll be sure to post them for you.

Kristen Borland said...

oh i love family heirlooms like that. that's so special!

hey, i'd like two living rooms! i'm finding more and more that i'd like to have a craft/sewing/painting room. yeah, right. i'll get that when the kids move out! (by the way, is that on your spreadsheet? what month and year the fourth child moves out?) :)

I am Katy, said...


You know it's on the spreadsheet. Of course it assumes all 4 leave the house by age 20.

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