Monday, December 3, 2007

Successful Surgery

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers. Abigail's surgery went as scheduled. Everything went very well. The cardiologist was surprised when she saw Abigail because I guess that they are used to doing this procedure on much smaller babies. So, it was nice to hear that they thought my baby was "big". She is however one of the larger babies in the NICU right now. The dr. was able to get in and clip the open valve to reroute the blood through the baby's heart. They were very glad that they had opted for surgery because the open valve turned out to be larger than expected. The valve was actually larger than the main artery going through her heart.

As far as recovery, they will keep her heavily sedated the next day or so for pain management and also for her little body to get used to the new flow of blood. We should see an improvement in her breathing and they will begin feeding her milk possibly on Tuesday. And then, the day that we have waited for, we should be able to hold her near the end of the week for the very first time.

I was reading in my Dad's Men's Devotional Bible this morning and found this poem that really touched my heart and offered a bit of encouragement for what we are going through. I hope that it might also encourage you in your everyday walk with the Lord.

RESTORE by: Bob Benson
When life caves in, you do not need reasons,you need comfort. You do not need some answers; you need someone. And Jesus doesnot come to us with an explanation; he comesto us with his presence.
We are always seeking the reason. We wantto know why. Like Job, we finally want God totell us what is going on...........
But God does not reveal his plan, he revealshimself. He comes to us as warmth when weare cold, fellowship when we are alone,strength when we are weak, peace when we aretroubled, courage when we are afraid, songswhen we are sad, and bread when we are hungry.
He is with us on our journeys. He is there when we are home. He sits with us at our table.He knows about funerals and weddings andcommencements and hospitals and jails and unemployment and labor and laughter and restand tears. He knows because he is with us. He comes to us again and again.

Thanks to those that have been dropping small notes to us in the mail and e-mail. It always puts a smile on my face to know that so many care and that God has placed so many wonderful people into our lives. (I know there are some of you that receive these updates that we don't even know, but we have a common bond in the Lord).



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